90 Degrees App
My app "90 Degrees" should go live any moment these days in the Google Play Store.
EDIT: It's Live! Achievements! Leaderboards (2 Currently, more will be added)
But, the open Beta is available now!if you feel like playing a random simple, ADDICTIVE! (i hope) Easy-to-pickup, hard(er)-to-master and "Collect them all" kind of game? -with Free updates
then feel free to try it out!
Some notes to say:
- The "Black levels" should be avoided.
- First [Free] Update going live in August.
- Savegame might go corrupt, there's a backup plan for savegames but it's not a guarentee at this point.
- Leaderboards, Achievements, "Black Lvls", to be enabled before it leaves Beta.
- Musicplayer bug has haunted me over and over. likely close to stabile now.
Some screenshots from build v0.9.26:
Feedback is always welcome! @ Contact@LolindirLink.com
Website: https://LolindirLink.com - https://90.LolindirLink.com
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